Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Fizzy pop!

Now, I'm not a big fan of energy drinks.  It's not so much the drinks them selves but the ridiculous lifestyle hype and advertising targeted towards children to ensure there loyalty for when they are older and can actually drink the caffeine ridden, sugar filled fizzy pop.
It does kinda remind me of the candy sticks you could get as a kid, these tasty sweets came in a box resembling a cigarette carton, each white sticks had a little red colouring on one end. I had great fun pretending to smoke them, especially on a cold day when you could see your warm breath.
Little did we all know these yummy candy sticks were an idea the cigarette companies came up with, so as to put subconscious messages in our heads associating tasty candy with (not so) tasty cigarettes.

So are the energy drink companies telling the kids drink this its awesome and will better you life, here's some stickers and a T shirt, you can look like a pro, you can be a pro if you drink it up!  Are they putting the messages out there to get the kids hooked and believe me some kids are hooked on this stuff! 

Sure these companies have put money back into our sport and helped a lot of struggling riders and the like, but considering how much money is injected into regular sports like footy from the energy drinks parent companies like Coca Cola it really is a token gesture, it seem to be a win win for them.

So, putting that all to one side, I do want to say one thing about Mountain Dew....it's bloody lush!
Yep, I know I have fallen fowl, but I am an adult and this was a special treat for me.

Mountain Dew is not readily available in the UK, I last tasted it's lovelyness when I was in the states 8 years ago.  So when I saw it in a small Petrol station just down the road from my house it was quite a moment.
Yep it's full of Caffeine,Sugar and other additives, the bottle itself seems to glow with a radioactive green, it's not trying to hide anything, it's been around for decades, on the bottle is a warning, not to be drunk by children, it supports 'extreme' events without plugging it to kids, it is what it is and it tastes delicious.

If your an active person then one of these once in a while..well I reckon thats fine...enjoy.

Oh and before you ask, no I'm not sponsored by them!

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